Our theme for this week is Nursery Rhymes! The Owlets enjoy nursery rhymes, so I thought this would be a wonderful unit. There are so many fantastic rhymes, but we are only focusing on four (we took Monday off), Humpty Dumpty, Sing a Song of Sixpence, Little Miss Muffet, and Jack and Jill.
Yesterday we focused on Little Miss Muffet. After reading the rhyme, I read the morning message to the Owlets, "Why was Little Miss Muffet frightened?" After explaining what frightened was, the Owlets said with conviction that "She was scared because their was a spider that sat by her and wanted her food." Then it was center time. Here are what the centers have to offer this week:
Language/Literacy: I wrote the nursery rhyme Jack and Jill on sentence strips twice. I placed one set in the pocket chart, skipping a line between the strips. I cut the other strips and placed them next to the pocket chart. The object is for the Owlets to place the cut out words in the empty spaces underneath the matching words.
Dramatic Play: There is a lot going on in our dramatic play area this week! The Owlets will be hanging laundry on a clothesline (made with yarn), I added doll clothes to the prop box for them to hang. I added bowls, spoons, rolling pins, plates, and pie plates in the prop box so the Owlets can make pies. Finally, I will be adding props so the Owlets can be doctors. I am incorporating fine motor into this center as well by using the clothespins.
Gross Motor: I added a candle cut out to three different heights of wooden blocks, the Owlets jump over them.
Math: I made ten cat cutouts and ten mitten cutouts. I numbered the mittens and the kittens 1-10. the object is that the Owlets match the mittens to the kittens.
Blocks: The Owlets are building walls and putting plastic eggs on them.
Our letter of the week is E. The story we are reading is an awesome classic,
Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss. We are doing some pretty cool activities related to this book and the Owlets used their hand prints to make elephants!
So far in art the Owlets have made spiderwebs after saying Little Miss Muffet and added a plastic spider ring and today we made crowns after reading Sing a Song of Sixpence.