
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What's in the Box?

This mantra runs through my head...a lot...more like everyday...and it makes appearance mainly during art..."It's a process, not a product."  I find the most adorable art activities on one super addictive website, I envision these beautiful creations decorating the walls of my classroom...and then we do the never turns out like the picture, but that is 100% OK because, well, it's a process and I have to step back and let the creativity happen!  Every single person that works with children knows that art, creativity, and imagination are huge parts of the early childhood experience and the majority of children love to paint, so I have the painting box.  My calendar is broken down by themes and of course in those themes are art activities.  Each day of the week brings a new art experience: Painting, Drawing, Prints, Clay, and Collages and we follow that general rule, but sometimes, my kids just need to create without me telling them what they can use or giving them an idea of what to draw, during those moments the painting box comes out.  My painting box is just a cardboard box full of things other than paintbrushes for the kids to use.  I have found items in dollar bins at box stores, had parents donate items, and just collected things I found that I thought would make a unit painting experience.  There are no rules when the painting box comes out...the children can use whatever they choose in whatever way they choose (so long as nobody is getting beaten with a dish scrubber!).  The painting box comes out once every couple of weeks, it is especially helpful on rainy days when we have run out of theme related activities.  So, what's in my box?  Here is a list:

- Dish Scrubbers (long handled and round ones)
-Wine Corks (purchased at the craft store)
-Bath poufs
-Paper towel rolls
-Bubble Wrap (both small and large bubbles)
-Milk Jug Lids
-Lids off of plastic bottles
-Egg cartons

I am always on the lookout for more fun things to experiment with and add to our box!

Happy Painting!!

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