Books...I love them, my kids love them. I think that reading to children from a very young age is so important and teaches them to love books and reading when they are able to do it on their own. We are constantly going to the bookstore or local library to get books based on something my kids are interested in or something that we are doing at The Owls Nest. I have bookshelves full of books for kids that my own kids read and that I use weekly for FCC...and I am always searching for a way to organize them so I know what I have and so I can avoid buying duplicates (which I'll admit I've done more than once...)
Years ago when I taught at a CDC I tried to go through all my books, sort them by category, and make a list...I think I made it not even halfway through my stacks before I was over that idea. I put them in containers with theme related items but realized that some of them were books my kids liked to have read to them before bed, so that didn't work. I have relied on my memory (bad, bad idea) when I am in the bookstore or library...I knew I needed a better system!
Tonight, while sitting on the couch (because I can't do much else while recovering from surgery...ugh) and pinning educational pins on my most favorite website ever I found the solution to my book problem! I was so excited and I had to share it in case you too have a ton of books and need a database to keep track! The app is free and is called BooksApp2. You can add books by scanning the ISBN number (it has a built in scanner), typing in the ISBN number, or snapping a pic of the cover with your phone..the app does the rest, sorting the books by author and subject! This awesome app is exactly what I needed and I will always be able to open it up and make sure I don't already have a book before checking it out or purchasing it!
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