
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Light Box

This recovery has been pretty boring...OK, really boring!  I have been pretty productive though or as productive as one can be from the couch!  I have created calendars and made lesson plans through May..I've made a list of bulletin boards I want to create and of a thousand projects I want to do for and with my Owlets. 
This is the first one on my list.  I have read some articles about light boxes and decided that my school needed one.  If I can, I like to DIY, so after researching them on a few websites, I found a tutorial for a DIY light box on from  I used a smaller container than the website used, but added black poster board around the sides, parchment paper on the lid to diffuse the light, and two tap lights that I secured to the bottom of the tub with Velcro.  This light box will be easy to store when not in use and I think the Owlets will really enjoy using it!  I have found a few activities for the light box, but I need to look for some more!  I'm super excited about this new addition to The Owls Nest! 

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